Welcome to Belief Inc!

You have made a deal with some extra dimensional beings to create and SPREAD your very own ideology. Gain inspiration from your followers to upgrade your belief and grow exponentially until the whole world is under your grasp!


Belief inc - Game Design Document.pdf 601 kB


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I'm a simple person. I see number go up, I happy. I wasn't clear which attributes were impacting different parameters though. There were moments where I had no people spawning in at all. The camera pan also seemed quite random. It would pan left sporadically and there would be a crap ton of people over there to farm. There was also a minor glitch where the camera got stuck in one spot but was having a seizure. The UI was also somewhat hard to navigate as there wasn't any feedback. I also had to "dodge" the other upgrades in order to click the add button and it wasn't clear which ones  I had already bought.

I liked the idea though about choosing your specific ideology. It was definitely fun seeing the amount of people spawning in explode (and with no lag). Would have loved to see the actors spreading the gospel on the screen. Really cool idle/cookie clicker type game.

Thank you for your comment! It's great to hear your feedback, and I completely agree with all of your critiques. I'll be focusing on adding UI feedback and changing map mechanics in the near future.